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Brand Name: Klean Strip
*Sub Brand: Green
*Product Type: Lacquer Thinner
*Container Size: 32 oz.
*Odor Level: No
*Usage: Thinning Lacquer and Epoxy
*Product Form: Liquid
*Concentrated: No
*Flammable: Yes
*VOC Level: 230 g/L
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Solvent Type: Acetone
*Noncorrosive: Yes
*Packaging Type: Can
*South Coast compliant alternative Ace No: 1474279 and CARB compliant alternative Ace No: 1474279
* Substitute for r egular lacquer thinner
* Be tter for the environment
* Made with 20% renewable con tent
* Contains no petr oleum distillates
* Biode gradable
* Contains 99% le ss hazardous
*Rest ricted for California
* Prod uct at retail can still be sold through 2016
* No VO C replacement